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Welcome To The Rallying Point for the True 21st Century!

This site is the headquarters, the outpost, the gatekeep for a nexus of creativity, innovation, and vision beyond that capable of the trendsetters and influencers. This site is about the substance and not the style. This site is the sharp bend in the road of the information superhighway that takes you to the on ramp of the True 21st Century. The one that we were raised to expect. The one that's not going to happen back there in the world dominated by cell phone gimmicks and coffee flavored computer graphics.

This is the SuperSite Blog Space for the Thought of INFINITY think tank and AET RaDAL, the first 21st century research group whose focus is on breakthroughs worthy of the title of "21st century invention". Here you will find out the most recent news, the latest historic updates, the ongoing research and ever expanding influences that are the spiral galaxy of technological investigation that is AET RaDAL and the visionary projections of the Thought Of INFINITY. We are the true web "portal" to information that you won't find anywhere else or is hard to find any other way.

Enjoy. We'll be updating often...

WE.C Updates

Welcome! Our site is finally under construction and will be some time before it is officially launched. There's only hints of what is to come, like passing by a construction site and seeing the girders taking the form of the building but only hinting at what will be the final shape and design of the completed structure.

An official announcement will be made, launching the site by early November.

You have reached the Way Station for the Information Superhighway's WORMHOLE!

Be prepared to be challenged, informed, and activated. We don't fancy ourselves as trendsetters, influencers or leaders. Those terms imply a continuity of the status quo, only advanced by a new regime. We're old enough to remember the warning - "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" and we are less than amused with what we see going on around us. We're not interested in evoluntionary progress but revolutionary breakthroughs. We're not even in the same reference frame as most of these so-called leaders, these days. No, we're not here to lead, we're here because of our own vision, our own determination, and our own drive to discover and achieve what others have long forgotten or have given up as possible. If this appeals to others, if it appeals to You, then that is a welcome side effect but not the reason why we're here. And so this is where the breaking off point is, between the joke that has passed itself off as the 21st Century so far, and where the real deal begins. Right here, right now. In physics it is referred to as a quantum leap. Be prepared. This is a macroscopic one!


We have added a chat room for special events that we will promote from time to time. We call it The Lecture Hall. When we do have an event, it will be promoted on the net as well as having an announcement about it here in our Updates, Bulletins At Once, and any other section that we feel appropriate. See the entrance below.

And now a word from Dr. Einstein...

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."